All Poker Hands Best To Worst

The best hand with a pair is A-A-4-3-2, this is often referred to as California Lowball. In high-low games of poker, there is often a conditioned employed called “eight or better” which qualifies players to win part of the pot. The infamous Deuce Seven off suit is known as the lowliest hand in all of holdem, and for good reason. It rates the worst of any hand in the game against a table full of random opponents. Some players will claim hands like 3 5 are worse, because when you input 2 7 and 3 5 into a poker hand calculator, the 2 7 actually rates higher. Let me first preface by saying I am new to the forum. I have played PS off and on for the past five years and within the last four months, pretty much everyday. Two unique observations I have noticed and tracked (loosely) (1.) losing races with the best hand approximately 75% of the time (i.e. The best hand you can have in poker is if you have ace, king, lady, kid and 10 in the same suit. This hand is called Royal flush; The second-best hand one can have in Texas Hold’Em poker is five cards in sequence and the same suit. This hand is called Straight flush. The third best hand is to have four of a kind cards eg four hooks. Rank of High Hands. In Seven-card Stud, players compare five card hands against each other to determine who wins. A player with a Royal Flush has a better hand than a player with a Full House, for example. Below is a list of standard combinations ranked from best to worst.

Rank of High Hands

Texas holdem poker hands best to worstAll Poker Hands Best To Worst

In Seven-card Stud, players compare five card hands against each other to determine who wins. A player with a Royal Flush has a better hand than a player with a Full House, for example. Below is a list of standard combinations ranked from best to worst.

Poker Hands Best To Worst Printable

A straight from a ten to an ace and all five cards of the same suit. In poker suit does not matter and pots are split between equally strong hands.
Straight Flush
Any straight with all five cards of the same suit.
Four of a Kind
Any four cards of the same rank.
Full House
Any three cards of the same rank together with any two cards of the same rank.
Any five cards of the same suit which are not consecutive.
Any five consecutive cards of different suits. The ace count as either a high or a low card.
Three of a Kind
Any three cards of the same rank.
Any two cards of the same rank together with another two cards of the same rank.
Any two cards of the same rank.
Any hand that does not make up any of the above mentioned hands.

Rank of Low Hands

The fact that in low hand all cards are of the same suit or in sequence does not affect its value. Ace is considered as low card.

All poker hands from best to worst

The following list is from best to worst low hand, so any hand on the list beats any hand below it and loses to any hand above it.

Five High
Five, four, three, two and Ace
Any five odd cards topped with six.
In case of coincidence of high cards, two next high cards should be compared, and etc.
Any five odd cards topped with seven.
In case of coincidence of high cards, two next high cards should be compared, and etc.
Any five odd cards topped with eight.
In case of coincidence of high cards, two next high cards should be compared, and etc.

All Poker Hands From Best To Worst


Texas Holdem Poker Hands Best To Worst

Many beginner players get confused by what beats what in poker? In order to help these poker novices, our poker experts have listed below all poker hands ranked from best to worst. If you still have confusion, then feel free to drop an email at and we will be pleased to help you out.
Royal Flush: An Ace-high straight (A-K-Q-J-10) of the same suit. It is the best possible hand in poker.
Straight Flush: Five consecutive cards of the same suit make a Straight Flush.
Four of a Kind: Four cards of the same rank are called a Four of a Kind or 'quads'.
Full House: Any three cards of the same rank, plus any other two cards of the same rank.
Flush: Any five cards of the same suit (not consecutive) are called a Flush.
Straight: Five consecutive cards of any suit make a Straight.
Three of a Kind: Three cards of the same rank ('trips').
Two Pair: A hand with two different pairs.
One Pair: Any two cards of the same rank.
A High-Card or No-Pair: Any hand in which no two cards have the same rank, the five cards are not in sequence, and the five cards are not all the same suit.